outdoor painted Sculpture ConservatioN
outdoor painted Sculpture Conservation
Paint has two main functions for outdoor sculpture: it is a major part of a sculpture’s aesthetic appearance; and it protects the substrate onto which it is applied. Unlike with most sculpture that is sited in doors, eventually it will become necessary for outdoor sculptures to be repainted, even with routine maintenance. KCI has expertise with painted outdoor sculpture that is unparalleled in the Upper Midwest region. Our work with painted sculpture includes:
Condition Assessments
On-Site Work (when sculptures cannot be moved or do not need to be moved)
Care of Bases and Plaques Associated with Sculpture
When Complete Repainting Is Needed:
Selection and close oversight of professional painting subcontractor
Identifying original paint color and obtaining a new color match
Identifying appropriate, durable paint systems
Working with artists and their estates
Consultation about rigging, transport, re-siting, and installation
Routine Maintenance:
Conservation cleaning
Application of protective coatings
Written maintenance plans
Other Conservation Treatments:
Structural repairs
Removal of rust and metal corrosion
Graffiti removal and urgent treatment of vandalism